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Obiettivo:promuovere la conoscenza della cultura e delle tradizioni del luogo di riferimento.    
Costa Rica: tropical paradise

Pacificasurfstudios, Costaricasurfandspanishcamp e Accademia internazionale Lutèce Sicilia ”,  rappresentono un punto di riferimento anche per  tutti coloro che vogliono entrare nel mondo del surf. Obiettivo della sezione sport dell'Accademia Lutece è quello di promuovere la conoscenza di un "paradiso tropicale" come pure  la pratica del surf d'onda, grazie alla preziosa collaborazione di Simone Mignemi,  nostro referente  in Costa Rica che unitamente al fratello Manuel ha fondato le prime e più prestigiose scuole di  surf sulla costa del Pacifico.  Lo stesso Simone è l'organizzatore di  “ pacchetti turistici “  comprendenti lezioni di surf d’onda , ospitalità in B&B e  una serie di servizi atti a far conoscere  la cultura e le tradizioni del Costa Rica.  E' un'occasione unica per conoscere e praticare in assoluta sicurezza sport estremi assistiti da istruttori di maturata  esperienza ed affidabilità. Sarete accompagnati e assistiti nella scoperta di  un mondo fantastico e incontaminato da Simone che, considerando il  Costa Rica la sua seconda patria, ne conosce ogni segreto
My name is Simone. I am Italian and have lived in Costa Rica. When I was living in Italy, I had always been dedicated to sports, for 12 years I was a semi-professional motocross rider and I was aiming for big goals in racing until I had to face the reality of an almost complete lack of sponsors. It was at this time I realized that I had to choose a new direction: to study law.Difficult, but doable if I could only put half of the motivation and determination that I did for motocross! It took many hard years, but I succeeded. During these years that I started surfing, and the more I surfed the less I felt convinced of what I really wanted from my life...it was at that time in which I visited Costa Rica for the first time.   

Costa Rica was the solution, the place where I could live an outdoor life and where surfing was not only a passion, but a job too. I continued my studies and received my law degree in order to feel more prepared to do what a really wanted to do-move to Costa Rica and teach surfing. Costa Rica, the place where I could live an outdoor life and where surfing was not only a passion, but a job too. I opened my first school in Playa Tamarindo . I explored more of the incredible Costa Rican territory until I ended up in a very spectacular place- Playa Santa Teresa.  I didn't hesitate much, in less than one year I moved to Santa Teresa and opened another school: the Pacifica Surf School.  
It's been a great experience, and we have taught thousands of surfing lessons. I have fulfilled my dream with Pacifica Surf Studios; I can provide the possibility for people to gain access to not only the sport of surfing, but also the lifestyle. I have created an atmosphere for those who want to enjoy a vacation that blends sports and nature. Pura Vida!
I describe Costa Rica 
Tag(s) : #Turismo culturale
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